Whats happening
In alignment with The White Paper on Science, Technology and Innovation, Inkcubeko aims to address these challenges by increasing the interest in and uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) subjects and provide the following programmes:

Teacher & Learner Educational Support and STEM Awareness and Promotion
Learner educational engagements with outreaches and centre visits: participating in hands-on interactive exhibits, workshops, extra classes and life skills development.
Talent Nurturing, Curiosity Creation, Social and Cultural integration
To develop six essential soft skills through Clubs in STEM, Coding & Robotic, Literacy, Arts & Culture, as well as Career awareness
Technolab (a glimpse into the digital world)
Suppling access to computers and internet, for self and guided research, applications for schools, further education and “International Computer Driving License” training.
Youth wellness clinic to assist with family planning, HIV testing and counselling
Thereby encouraging, enabling and empowering youth to take up the responsibility for their future with confidence: to complete their schooling, creating opportunities for further education, and overall to become contributing members of society.
Ways You Can Connect
In Person
If you prefer to connect in person, you can visit our centre at the following address:
Inkcubeko Youth and Science Centre
11123 Ngcakani Street, Thembalethu, George 6529
Over the Phone
If you would like to make a donation over the phone, please call us at the following number:
066 196 0906
Our staff will be happy to assist you.